

by - August 09, 2014

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

Assalamualaikum wbt. 

I have not been writing for the longest time. From my previous entry, I left Egypt merely 3 days before Eid. We arrived in 6pm on Wednesday & went back straight to my hometown, Sungai Petani the morning after. On Friday we went to Taiping on sole purpose of visiting my husband's grandmother. On Saturday we continue our journey to KL. I had the chance to spend Eidul Fitr in KL this year. Away from my parents but with my husband. Some things needed to be changed later on in life. Finally I learned this. During the first day of Eid, our family visited relatives in Shah Alam until noon. Right before Asar, we left for Taiping again. Spent 2 nights in Taiping and head to Sungai Petani, again. After spending 2 & a half night in Kedah, we went back to KL. However, the reason behind this entry is not to discuss how tired both of us were or complain. I am here today, writing about perceptions. 

As all of us here know, I am married. For almost 2 years now. 22 days approaching our second anniversary to be exact. And I am here to comment on society. Not bragging, but both my husband & I does look a bit too young for our age. His sister, who is approaching 30 looks like a 21 years old. Imagine him. My brother who is around her age looks a lot younger than his real age. My guess, genes. 

Whenever we went out on a date, or dinner or simply buying groceries, we received sharp stares from the society. Due to our young faces, people tend to think we are not married. As most unmarried couples these days normally do. They touch each other & show public affection shamelessly. The heat burns us too. I know this is not the society's fault. They do not know we are married. But our Beloved Al-Quran has already stated in Surah Al-Isra' , Ayah 36 ; 

“Do not concern yourself with things about which you have no knowledge. Verily, your hearing, sight, and heart -- all of them will be called to account" (Quran 17:36)."

Quoted from the Hadith Muslim (Malay),

Dari Abu Hurairah r.a bahawasanya Rasulullah s.a.w telah bersabda ; "Jauhilah berprasangka buruk, kerana prasangka buruk adalah ucapan yang paling dusta. Janganlah mencari-cari isu; janganlah mencari-cari kesalahan; janganlah saling bersaing; janganlah saling mendengki; janganlah saling memarahi dan janganlah saling membelakangi (memusuhi)! Tetapi, jadilah kalian hamba-hamba Allah yang bersaudara."

(Muslim 8/10)

Direct translation, 

The Prophet Muhammad pbuh advised,  To avoid bad judgements towards other people as bad judgements are fitnah. Don't try to find bad issues regarding other people, don't try to pry other people's mistakes, don't compete (in a bad way), avoid jealousy of each other, don't be mad towards each other & don't make enemies with each other. Instead, be a servant of Allah with each other. 

Prophet Muhammad has made it clear to point, avoid bad judgements towards other people. Al-Quran states, stop meddling with other people business when you have no knowledge of them. 


Think good of others. 

Something I have not seen in society's eyes when my husband & I holding hands with each other in public. This is one of the reason why married couples tend to be less affectionate after a while in marriage. Because Society keep punishing the goods and embrace the bad ; unmarried couples goes holding hands, hugging in public, kissing etc. That is acceptable but when married couples do it, society goes "You could do it limitlessly at home, why show in public" . 

Halal matters are haraam meanwhile haraam are celebrated. The world's approach near towards the end. 

Prepare ourselves. 

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