
Wishlist : Europe's Best To Offer.

by - September 05, 2014

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

Assalamualaikum wbt. 

Wishlist : Europe's Best to Offer. Ah, the classic travel wishlist. Everyone have one, but not all could fulfil it. I was bloghopping. Again. And I love reading World of Wanderlust. I love how she venture alone for her solo travels. Well, I would like to do the same too, if my parents permit that is. Before I get married, I couldn't practically go even to the grocery store 2 miles away from home. My parents were, and still are a bit protective of me. When I got married, everything changes. The overprotective part fade a bit, but it is still there. My parents understand now my permit fall upon my husband's. But yeah, being parents, who doesn't worry for their child ? 

By the way, it is not what I am here to write about. In World of Wanderlust, there is a post about 25 Secret Small Towns in Europe Must Visit. Ah yes. I visited one of the place. It's Eze, France. Located not too far away from Nice, France. Check my entry Beautiful Southern France - Nice. I didn't practically stop by Eze, but we passed through it. Nonetheless, she mentioned Czech Republic as number 1 ! I have no idea why Czech Republic stand out so much to me. I found that it's a beautiful, quaint & peaceful city. Hoping to visit & cross check all the 25 Secret Small Towns soon. Insya Allah. 

Jazakillah Khayr. 

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