
Top 5 Non-Fictional Books To Read While Travelling

by - January 05, 2016

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 
اسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

I have always love reading. I still remember, my parents used to buy me endless books supply for me to read. They said I was the only one who loves reading in my entire family. The habit sticks around even when I grew up. Whenever I'm off to somewhere, even it took only 1 hour to reach, I will always bring a book. So when I started travelling few years back, I made it a habit to bring a book with me. I find it comforting and it made my travelling memories more vivid. I could always relate a book with all my travels now. So, now I am presenting to you my top 5 non-fictional books that in my opinion is good to take whilst travelling. Plus, a good book is never a waste of time to read. 

1. The Quran Biography by Bruce Lawrence

I read this book when I was travelling home via Istanbul, Turkey. This book was written in translated excerpts from our Holy Quran. The translation was simple and the way he delivered his words are easy to understand it's borderline effortless not to. It is not a direct translation, but it is rather an explanation of the revelation of The Holy Quran. Each important chapters for example, Al-Fatihah (how it was revealed, what does it mean) is elucidated in a very discreet but comprehensible way. I think this book is targeted for non-Muslims should they wish to learn more about our Holy Quran, but there is no wrong in us Muslims to read it.

2. Reclaim Your Heart by Yasmin Mogahed

Should it be anymore explanation? It was a best-seller since it was released up until now I think! This book really helps in guiding you to overcome a painful loss or finding your identity through the remembrance of one God, Allah swt. I read this through my travel to Norway and it was my best decision ever. 

3. Aisha - The Wife, The Companion, The Scholar by Resit Haylamaz

There is nothing more beautiful than reading life stories of Umm' Mukminin (Mother of Believers). Buying this book has got to be my best impulse-buys in years. While journeying Iceland, I managed to complete reading this book. It tells us the life of our Beloved Prophet (saw) through the eyes of his loved ones. Aisha was regarded as a modern world would call it super-women of her time. She remembered thousands of hadiths and joined many wars with the Prophet saw. Even the Four Companions look for the words of Aisha before making any decisions regarding ruling Madinah at the time.  Her love story with the Prophet saw will manage to make you succumb to your mushiness inside your heart. 

4. Love & Misadventure by Lang Leav

Although I said non-fictional in the post title, I had to include this book. Cheating a bit. Hehe. It is a fictional book based on poetry written by Lang Leav. But it is still not a full-drawn fictions which have a storyline and an ending. This book is more to a person conveying her heart desires and despairs in a mere few lines. Haven't you heard? Poetry is the 'in' thing right now. 

5. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying by Marie Kondo

I am not ashamed to admit that I have fallen in the abyss of cult reading. This book really does changed my entire wardrobe organisation. It teaches you how you could make the most space out of less-spacey house into an overly organised heaven. Exaggerating a bit but yes, it does. Marie Kondo even tell you on how to fold your socks in the drawer to arranging your troubled heart. Although with this book I really did cheat big time, *cause I didn't really travel anywhere while reading this except to the bathroom at my house* but I bet it would be a wonderful book to take while sitting in a train moving through the Swiss Alps sipping warm coffee along with the remarkable view. 

So, there you go. My top 5 books to take travelling if you are into that sort of thing. Hehe. 

JazakAllah Khayr. 

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