

by - March 03, 2019

A lot can happen in 7 months.

My cat gave birth again to 4 kittens.

Love turns itself 360 degree and makes you wonder what is happening with your world.

I've been trying to grasp the utmost reality for the past 7 months.

I was alone most of the time, and when I feel things started to fall apart, I felt drained.

Until I started reading Aida Azlin's Tuesday Love Letter.

From this, I know what I needed the most in life right now. A recharge.

Everything has been draining me since the day I moved away. Since I started working a new, stressful job and since I met...

I muted those who I feel did not give me enough positivity. Online & offline. I let go of things that I can't control even though I know I'm right. I get rid of things that reminded me of who I was, a bitter, too much complaining person. I decided 90% of all decisions on my own - no longer waiting opinions from others (except my emotional support buddy a.k.a my husband). I'd travel to my husband in a different state even when I knew I only had 1 night or less than 24 hours with him.

I take charge & felt recharged. And I am still recharging myself.

Because that is what you need to do when you're drained. Recharge yourself. As quickly as you would recharge your phone when it's drained. Leaving it drained too long will break it. Same as leaving yourself drained too long, it would break you too. 

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